The Stream

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I haven't updated for a while 'cause there wasn't much to see. The track is all leveled and operating smoothly. Yes William, that is a big gap at the bridge, I wish it was smaller, but the trains don't seem to mind. I started working on the stream:

Here's the lower end. The pump sits in the freezer tub. I need a way to keep the hose out of the way. The tub isn't quite big enough to hold all the water from the stream and keep the pump submerged while it's running, so I need to get something bigger in there.

Here the stream crosses under the track. I was pleasantly surprised to see the water flowing down nicely. I added some baffles to hold it back a little so it would be deeper. I wanted to get all the plastic in with no seams, but couldn't quite pull it off. So naturally there was a water leak to seal up.

Here's the stream flowing down from the hill. Of course, there isn't any hill yet. I like how the water flows. I'll disguise the straightness with some rock and gravel and a little luck.

After monkeying with the seam for several days, I couldn't get it to stop leaking, so I got another piece of plastic, ripped the whole thing out, and in about 45 minutes rebuilt it without a seam. Now it doesn't leak!

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